What services do we offer?
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AASK offered its skills and expertise to improve the living conditions of the poor in Africa as part of its celebrations marking the 10th anniversary from its foundation in 2003. SOS Malta welcomed AASK’s offer and organised our trip to Uganda to work closely with the team on the ground in Jinja during the month of April. Our involvement on SOS Malta’s varied projects was exciting and challenging but the greatest satisfaction was the Ugandan’s appreciation Malta’s contribution to the sustainable development of Jinja.


 Our main task was to install the Solar Pump System on the Fish Farm which was entering into the second phase of implementation and to help out in the building, wiring and equipping of the Chicken House. Fish Farming in Uganda is now being introduced as a means to improve household incomes and for nutrition. We were amazed with the potential this project has to help feed many of Uganda’s rural people who live far from main fish markets and routes. Our experience was incredible and it is hard to find words to give justice to all we gained from working with the people in Jinja. While volunteering we had countless experiences that were very emotional. We saw both happiness and sadness in the eyes of the children and the women – our minds were flooded with such a mix of emotions. We soon realised we are not just Kevin, Darren and Sammy in Malta but in this world and that our life is about exploring, learning and sharing with the people and environment that surround us. Being in Uganda made us realise this and that is why we know we must return.